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Publications Program

In order to immediately redress the lack of publication, particularly for archaeological research at Jaffa following more than sixty years of archaeological excavations, the JCHP has developed a detailed publications program. Listed below are publication projects currently underway. For a list of previous publications on Jaffa, see the bibliography.

Kaplan Excavations (1954-1982)
The publication of the excavations of Jacob and Haya Kaplan at Jaffa are divided into three major initiatives that also include specialist studies.
1. Middle Bronze Age to Iron Age remains (M. Peilst?cker and A. Burke). Initiated 2007.
2. Persian, Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine remains (Orit Tsuf). Initiated 2004.
3. Islamic, Crusader, and Ottoman remains (Katherine S. Burke). Initiated 2007.

IAA Excavations
This publication program is coordinated by Martin Peilstocker and Yoav Arbel.

IAA-UCLA Excavations
This publication program is coordinated by Martin Peilstocker and Aaron Burke

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