Book Award for Jaffa Publication
The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 1 was awarded the G. Ernest Wright Award for best archaeological publication by the American Schools of Oriental Research at the membership meeting during the ASOR Annual Meeting on November 19th.
The following statement was provided, which the editor's feel is an excellent review of the volume’s significance:
"Martin Peilst?cker and Aaron Burke’s work, The History and Archaeology of Jaffa, represents a significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding of the eastern Mediterranean. The volume includes a collection of essays on the material remains of Jaffa from the Middle Bronze Age to the Crusader Period, representing the basic framework for research on Jaffa, past, present, and future.
Along with the recent explorations of Jaffa, the re-analysis and publication of materials excavated by the late Jacob Kaplan provide a research model for further works in larger projects of urban archaeology. The book richly deserves this year’s G. Ernest Wright Award."
click here to read more
The JCHP is an interdisciplinary cultural heritage project aimed at revealing, researching, preserving, and presenting the cultural heritage of Jaffa. Since Jaffa is a large and complicated archaeological site within a living town with a diverse cultural heritage the coordination of these efforts is a monumental task. The JCHP is a collaborative research project involving a number of institutions. Its partners include its founding members the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as The Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) in Mainz, Germany and The Old Jaffa Development Corporation. A number of individual scholars are also affiliated with the project as research associates. The JCHP is divided, therefore, into a number of projects, the activities, resources, and results of which are coordinated, shared, and disseminated. The activities of the JCHP fall within one of its four major initiatives: fieldwork, publication, conservation, and outreach. Since the project was initiated in January 2007, several seasons of archaeological field work as well as study seasons have been carried out.
This web-presentation intends to present the project and to inform about the JCHP's activities as well as to provide links for the interested public to contact us.
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