Bibliography for Jaffa
For a updated bibliography with PDF downloads see also: http://www.nelc.ucla.edu/jaffa/resources/bibliography.html
JCHP Series Publications
In 2007 the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project (JCHP) was established as a joint research endeavor of the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Among the project’s diverse aims is the publication of numerous excavations conducted in Jaffa since 1948 under the auspices of various governmental and research institutions such as the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums and its successor the Israel Antiquities Authority, as well as the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project. This, the first volume in the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project series, lays the groundwork for this initiative. Part I provides the historical, economic, and legal context for the JCHP’s development, while outlining its objectives and the unique opportunities that Jaffa offers researchers. The history of Jaffa and its region, and the major episodes of cultural change that affected the site and region are explored through a series of articles in Part II, including an illustrated discussion of historical maps of Jaffa from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Recent archaeological discoveries from Jaffa are included in Part III, while Part IV provides a first glimpse of the JCHP’s efforts to publish the Jacob Kaplan and Haya Ritter-Kaplan legacy from Jaffa. Together the twenty-five contributions to this work constitute the first major book-length publication to address the archaeology of Jaffa in more than sixty years since excavations were initiated at the site.
Peilstocker, Martin, and Aaron Alexander Burke (editors) |
2011 |
The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 1.The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project 1. Monumenta Archaeologica 26. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Los Angeles. |
General Overviews
Dessel, J. P. |
1997 |
Jaffa. In OEANE, vol. 3, ed. E. M. Meyers, 206-07. New York: Oxford University Press. |
Kaplan, Jacob |
1959 |
The Archaeology and History of Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Tel Aviv (Hebrew). |
Kaplan, Jacob, and Haya Ritter-Kaplan |
1993 |
Jaffa. In NEAEHL, vol. 2, ed. E. Stern, 655-59. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society. |
Kark, Ruth |
1984 |
Jaffa: A City in Evolution (1799-1917). Jerusalem: Yad Yitsh?ak? Ben Tsevi (Hebrew). |
Tolkowsky, S. |
1924 |
The Gateway of Palestine: A History of Jaffa. London: George Routledge & Sons. |
Early Excavations (1948-1955)
Bowman, John |
1955 |
The University of Leeds, Department of Semitics Archaeological Expedition to Jaffa, 1952. Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical Society 7:231-50. |
Kaplan Excavations (1955-1974)
Kaplan, Jacob |
1956 |
Jaffa. IEJ 6:259-60. |
1960 |
Jaffa. IEJ 10:121-22. |
1961 |
Jaffa. IEJ 11:191-92. |
1962 |
Jaffa. IEJ 12:149-50. |
1964 |
Jaffa. IEJ 14:285-86. |
1966 |
Tel Aviv-Yafo. IEJ 16:282-83. |
1970 |
Tel Aviv-Yafo. IEJ 20:225-26. |
1971 |
Tel Aviv-Yafo. IEJ 21:174. |
1974a |
Jaffa, 1972-1973. IEJ 24:135-37. |
Kaplan, Jacob, and Haya Ritter Kaplan |
1975 |
Jaffa, 1974. IEJ 25:163. |
Excavations (1990- Present)
Ajami, Moshe |
2006 |
Yaffo (Jaffa), Qibbutz Galuyot Street. In HA-ESI. vol. 118. |
Avner-Levi, R. |
1996 |
Yafo: Yefet Street. HA 106:79-80. |
Avner-Levi, Rina |
1998 |
Yafo: Yefet Street. ESI 18:55. |
Ayash, Edna |
1998 |
Yafo, Rehov Kibbutz Galuyot Site. HA 108:178. |
1999 |
Yafo, Kibbuz Ha-Galuyot Street Site. HA-ESI 110:94*. |
2000 |
Yafo, The Site of Kibbutz Galuyot Street. ESI 20:133*. |
Barshad, Dror |
2000 |
Yafo. HA-ESI 111:101*, 36 (English and Hebrew). |
Fantalkin, Alexander |
2005 |
A Group of Iron Age Wineries from Ancient Jaffa (Joppa). Salvage Excavation Reports 2:3-26. |
Feldstein, Amir |
1996 |
Yafo. HA 106:81 (Hebrew). |
1998 |
Yafo. ESI 18:56. |
Ginzburg, Anat |
2000 |
Yafo, 3022 Street. HA-ESI 111:42*. |
Kletter, Raz |
2001 |
Yafo, Marzuk and Azar Street. HA-ESI 113:131*. |
2004 |
Jaffa, Roslan Street, 193-207. 'Atiqot 47. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority. |
Levy, Yossi |
1999 |
Yafo, 'Ramses Gate'. HA-ESI 110:44*-45*. |
Peilstocker, Martin |
1998a |
Yafo. HA 108:69-70 (Hebrew). |
1998b |
Yafo, Rabbi MeRagoza Street. HA 108:71. |
1999 |
Yafo, R. Hanina and R. Yehuda Me-Raguza Streets. HA-ESI 110:46*-47*. |
2000a |
Tel Yafo (Jaffa): A Key Site of the Central Coastal Plain Re-Discovered. Preliminary Results from New Excavations in the 1990's. In Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, eds. P. Matthiae et al., 1345-52. Rome: Universit? degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza". |
2000b |
Yafo. ESI 20:69-70, 47*-49*. |
2000c |
Yafo, 3022 Street. HA-ESI 111:42*. |
2000d |
Yafo, Bet Ha-Eshel Street. HA-ESI 111:41*. |
2000e |
Yafo, Marzuq and 'Azar Street. HA-ESI 111:39*-40*. |
2000f |
Yafo, Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza St. ESI 20:49*, 71. |
2000g |
Yafo, Razif Ha-'Aliya Ha-Sheniya. HA-ESI 111:40*-41*. |
2005 |
Yafo (Jaffa). In HA-ESI. vol. 117. |
2006a |
La ville franque de Jaffa ? la lumi?re des fouilles r?centes. Bulletin Monumental 164:99-104. |
2006b |
Yafo, Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza Street. In HA-ESI. vol. 118. |
Peilstocker, Martin, and Maya Priel |
2000 |
Excavations at Yafo: Razif Ha-'Aliya Ha-Sheniya. HA-ESI 111:40*-41* |
Peilstocker, Martin et al. |
2006 |
Yaffo, Flea Market Complex. In HA-ESI. vol. 118. |
Peilstocker, Martin, and Benjamin Sass |
2001 |
A Hebrew Seal from Jaffa and the Hebrew Script in the Post-First Temple Period, 199-210. 'Atiqot 42. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority. |
Sharvit, Jacob, and Ehud Galili |
2002 |
Yafo Harbor, Underwater Surveys. HA-ESI 114:54*-55*. |
Sontag, Flavia |
1998 |
Yafo. ESI 18:111. |
Sweeney, Deborah |
2003 |
A Lion-Hunt Scarab and Other Egyptian Objects from the Late Bronze Fortress at Jaffa. TA 30:54-65. |
Yannai, Eli |
1999a |
Excavation Reports Submitted to the IAA Archives: Yafo. HA-ESI 110:100*. |
1999b |
Tel Yafo (North). HA-ESI 110:45*-46*. |
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Website, texts and photos © Israel Antiquities Authority |