Excavation Projects
2007 Excavations
1. Jaffa Police Station: Excavations of Ottoman Qishle (June-September). Yoav Arbel, field director
2. Ganor Compound excavations (June- October). Martin Peilstocker and Aaron Burke, field directors
3. Harbor excavations, adjacent to British Mandate customs house (July-September). Eli Hadad, field director
4. Old French Hospital excavations (July-September). Amit Reem, field director
2008 Excavations
1. Archaeological Excavations in the Kikar HaKedummim area (formerly Area C of the Kaplan excavations directed by Aaron A. Burke and Martin Peilst?cker. Excavation dates: June 29th – August 1st .
(For further information and volunteering options please contact Jaffa@israntique.org.il or the excavation directors.)
2. HaZorfim St Salvage Excavations (May-July). Yoav Arbel (IAA), field director.
2009 Excavations
In 2009 in addition to ongoing salvage excavations, the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project (JCHP) will conduct its third season of archaeological excavations in old Jaffa on the south side of Tel Aviv. The excavations reflect a renewed focus on the exploration of the pre-classical remains of Jaffa. These excavations are part of a broader effort to clarify the findings of previous excavations, notably those of Jacob and Haya Kaplan between 1955 and 1981. The JCHP will conduct its archaeology field school from June 27 to July 30, 2009 and is pleased to welcome participants age 18 and older.
Approximately thirty spaces are open for participation in the project. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis. Participants must affirm that they are in excellent physical and mental health, and should provide a letter of recommendation from their academic advisor or most relevant instructor or fieldwork supervisor. The project's directors may reject the applications of participants who are deemed unfit for participation in the project or choose to accommodate individuals in a manner befitting their abilities.
For additional information concerning the application processes please send an email to Jaffa@israntique.org.il; the application forms can be downloaded from: http://jaffa.theol.uni-mainz.de/.
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