National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Vegetal Decoration, Camel, Medallions, Zoomorphic
Period: Byzantine
Site: Waziya, Kh. el-
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor Zoomorphic, Medusa, Semi-Divine/Divine Figure, Eagle
Period: Byzantine
Site: Yafia`
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern
Period: Byzantine
Site: Waziya, Kh. el-
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern, Guilloche
Period: Byzantine
Site: Na`aran
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Mosaic Floor Cross
Period: Umayyad-Abbasid
Site: Shoham
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern
Period: Byzantine
Site: Shoham
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern
Period: Byzantine
Site: Shoham
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Vegetal Decoration, Animal/Zoomorphic, Medallions
Period: Byzantine
Site: Jerusalem, Hinnom Valley
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor Inscribed, Greek
Period: Byzantine
Site: Be'er Sheb'a, Old Beduin Market
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor Inscribed, Greek, Dedicatory Inscription, Medallion
Period: Byzantine
Site: Be'er Sheb'a, Old Beduin Market
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Mosaic Floor Inscribed, Greek, Menorah, Incense Shovel, Shofar, Lulab, Citron
Period: Byzantine
Site: Huldah Area. 4231-4831
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Mosaic Floor Inscribed, Dedicatory Inscription, Aramaic, With Geometric Pattern, Guilloche, Human Image
Period: Byzantine
Site: Merot, H.
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern, Medallions, Star of David
Period: Byzantine
Site: Makr, el-
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern, With Floral Decoration, Tabula Ansata, Cross
Period: Byzantine
Site: Makr, el-
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Mosaic Floor Inscribed, Dedicatory Inscription, Greek, Tabula Ansata, With Floral Decoration
Period: Byzantine
Site: Makr, el-
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Mosaic Floor Maltese Cross, Crosses, With Geometric Pattern
Period: Byzantine
Site: Haifa, T. Shiqmona
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern
Period: Byzantine
Site: Zomet Pardesiya
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern
Period: Byzantine
Site: Zomet Pardesiya
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Vegetal Decoration, Medallions, Vine Tendrils, Grapes
Period: Byzantine
Site: Zomet Pardesiya
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern, With Vegetal Decoration, Flowers
Period: Byzantine
Site: Zomet Pardesiya
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor Medallion, Amphora, With Vegetal Decoration
Period: Late Byzantine
Site: Lod
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor Animal, Octopus, Gazelle, With Geometric Pattern
Period: Byzantine
Site: Jersusalem, `Arab es-Sawahira
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Floral Decoration
Period: Byzantine
Site: Jersusalem, `Arab es-Sawahira
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor Decorated with animal figures, Lion, Elephant, With Geometric Pattern, Guilloche
Period: Roman
Site: Lod
Material: Limestone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern, Guilloche
Period: Byzantine
Site: Unknown
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Vegetal Decoration, Palm Wood
Period: Byzantine
Site: Na`aran
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Mould Tool & Weapon
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Shechem (Ancient Site)
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Mould Tool & Weapon
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Bet Mirsham, T.
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Mould Tool & Weapon
Period: Late Bronze (?)
Site: Gezer, T.
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Mould Tool & Weapon
Period: Early Bronze I
Site: Megiddo, T.
Material: Clay

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