Position: Head of the Prehistory branch
Department: Archaeological Research Department
Higher education:
Ph.D., 2005, Tel Aviv University
Research interests:
late prehistory of the Southern Levant
Ongoing research projects:
- Ein Zippori publications. A late prehistoric and protohistoric site in the Lower Galilee, with Nimrod Getzov (IAA).
- Egyptian-Palestinian relations at the end of the fourth millennium BC: towards the construction of a multidisciplinary model of interpretation, with Marcelo Campagno and Bernardo Gandulla (University of Buenos Aires).
- Tel Erani salvage excavations, with Dmitry Yegorov (IAA).
- Yiftahel excavations. The PPNB and Pottery Neolithic site, with Hamoudi Khalaily and Nimrod Getzov (IAA).
- “Holyland Project” excavations in Jerusalem. The Bronze Age cemetery, with Zvi Greenhut (IAA).
Selected publications:
- Milevski, I., Lupu, R. and Cohen-Weinberger. Forthcoming. Excavations at Quleh and Mazor (West). Iconography and Burial Practices at Cemeteries in Southern Levantine Chalcolithic. Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant. Wienna: Israel Antiquities Authority- Austrian Academy of Sciences.
- Milevski, I., Bocquentin, F. and Molist, M. (eds.) 2016. Connections and Disconnections between the Northern and Southern Levant in the Late Prehistory and Protohistory (12th-2nd millennia BC). Paleorient 42.2. Paris: CNRS.
- Milevski, I. and Levy, T.E. (eds.). 2016. Framing Archaeology in the Near East. The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork. London: Equinox.
- Garfinkel, Y., Dag, D., Khalaily, H., Marder, O., Milevski, I. and Ronen, A. 2012. The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Village of. Yiftahel. The 1980s and 1990s Excavations. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Milevski, I. 2011. Early Bronze Age Goods Exchange in the Southern Levant. A Marxist Perspective. London: Equinox.