Position: Physical anthropologist
Department: Archaeological Research Department
fax: (972)25892238
Higher education:
B.Sc. in Biology, 1990
M.Sc. in Anatomy, 1993
Ph.D. in physical anthropology, 1999, Tel Aviv University
Research interest:
history and biology of ancient populations in Israel
Ongoing research projects:
- The people of Qumran
- The earliest case of blood vengeance
- Burial practices in Persian period Israel
- Nabatean ancient DNA
Selected recent publications:
- Nagar Y. 2013. The Human Remains. In D. Ben-Ami ed. Excavations in the Tyropoeon Valley (Giv‘ati Parking Lot) I (IAA Reports 52). Jerusalem. Pp. 347–348.
- Nagar Y. 2013. Physical Anthropology of the Peqi'in Population. In D. Shalem, Z. Gal and H. Smithline eds. Peqi‘in. A Late Chalcolithic Burial Site, Upper Galilee, Israel. Tsemach: Ostracon. Pp. 391–406.
- Slon V., Nagar Y., Kuperman T. and Hershkovitz I. 2013. A Case of Dwarfism from the Byzantine City Rehovot-in-the-Negev, Israel. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 23:573–589.
- Yannai E. and Nagar Y. 2014. Bet Dagan, Intermediate Bronze Age and Mamluk-Period Cemeteries, 2004–2005 Excavations (IAA Reports 55). Jerusalem.
- Nagar Y., Abramov J. and Varga D. 2015. Human Remains from Amaziya/Duweimeh, Israel. Bioarchaeology of the Near East 9:69–78.