National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman
Site: Lidd, Kh.
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman
Site: Lidd, Kh.
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman
Site: Lidd, Kh.
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman - Byzantine
Site: Qastra, H.
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar Basket
Period: Late Roman - Byzantine
Site: Qastra, H.
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman - Byzantine
Site: Qastra, H.
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar Cream Ware, With Pierced Lug Handles, Tubular Handled
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Sha`ar Efrayim (south) [north]
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Middle Bronze I
Site: Qedesh, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Middle Bronze I
Site: Matlul Zurim
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Jerusalem, Old City, Jewish Quarter, Area F, M
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Small Jar Phoenician
Period: Hellenistic
Site: Maresha, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Afeq
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar Egyptian, Painted
Period: Late Bronze II
Site: Sharuhen, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman - Early Byzantine
Site: Ni`ana, Kh.
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman - Early Byzantine
Site: Ni`ana, Kh.
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman - Early Byzantine
Site: Ni`ana, Kh.
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Ha-Gosherim
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Nahal Pattish (Gilat)
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Nahal Pattish (Gilat)
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar Pierced Lug Handles
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Nahal Pattish (Gilat)
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Byzantine
Site: `En Gedi
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Small Jar Engraved, Herringbone Pattern
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Dalhamiya
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Iron II
Site: Bet She'an, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar Painted
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Azor
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar With Pierced Lug Handles, Engraved
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Nahal Pattish (Gilat)
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar With Pierced Lug Handles
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Nahal Pattish (Gilat)
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar Cream Ware
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Be'er Sheva`, H. Zafad
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman
Site: Hedera
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman - Early Byzantine
Site: Hedera
Material: Glass

Object's Name:  Small Jar 
Period: Late Roman - Byzantine
Site: Mishmar ha-`Emeq
Material: Glass
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