National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Ostracon Inscribed, Aramaic
Period: Hellenistic
Material: Pottery
Site: Maresha, T.
Lenght: 6.8 cm
Wide: 4 cm
Description: Reading: 1. ] מאתכה יתב 2. ] ושלם הוא והן 3. ]מחר ואחרן 4.מטה חדו ברעוה 1. from you, (he) dwell/settle [...] 2. and complete it (?). And if [...] 3. tomorrow (?). Another one [...] 4. rejoice in pleasure [...] This fragmantary text was part of a letter. The right side did not survive, as well as its beginning and end. ושלם הו- this combination is well attested, especially as greeting in letters. אחרן- The meaning is 'another one', beginning of a new subject ('another matter'). Term that was mainly used in 1st century CE ostraca. The ostracon is dated to the 3rd or 2nd centuries BCE.
Eshel E. 2014. "Iron age, Phoenician and Aramaic inscriptions" in: I. Stern (ed.) The Excavations of Maresha: Subterranean Complex 57: The 'Heliodorus' Cave. BAR (IS) 2652: 77- 94, Fig. 8. 38.
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