National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Frying Pan 
Period: Crusader
Material: Pottery
Site: Arshaf, T.
Description: Frying pan with slightly flaring walls made of orange-brown clay. , covered on the inside with transparent light brown glaze. It is dated to the end of the therteenth century to about the end of the fourteenth century.
Ziffer, I. and Tal, O. 2011. The Last Supper at Apollonia. The Final Days of the Crusader Castle in Herzliya.. Tel-Aviv, 57, Fig. 33.
Avissar, M. and Stern E.J. 2005. Pottery of the Crusader, Ayyubid and Mamluk Periods in Israel. IAAR 26: 96-97, Fig.41.Type II.2.3:2.

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