National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name:  Model Bed
Period: Iron II
Site: Mizpah
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Model Boat
Period: Iron II
Site: Akhziv
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Model Wheel, Painted
Period: Early Bronze I
Site: Megiddo, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Molar Hipopotamus
Period: Middle Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat Tannur
Material: Bone

Object's Name:  Molar Hipopotamus
Period: Middle Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat Tannur
Material: Bone

Object's Name:  Mortar 
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Mortar Tripod
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: `Ujul, T. el-
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Mortar Tripod
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Bet She'an, T.
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Mortarium 
Period: Persian
Site: Haifa, T. Abu Hawwam
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor Dedicatory Inscription, Aramaic
Period: Byzantine
Site: `Isfiya
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Plain Mosaic Floor Inscribed, Hebrew
Period: Byzantine
Site: `Isfiya
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Geometric Pattern, Guilloche
Period: Byzantine
Site: Na`aran
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor With Vegetal Decoration, Palm Wood
Period: Byzantine
Site: Na`aran
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor Decorated with animal figure, Ox
Period: Byzantine
Site: Bet Guvrin
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Fragment Mosaic Floor Decorated with animal figure, Horse
Period: Byzantine
Site: Bet Guvrin
Material: Stone

Object's Name: Medallion Mosaic Floor Dedicatory Inscription, Syrian
Period: Early Islamic
Site: יריחו - Nestorian Hermitage Jericho
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Mould Tool & Weapon
Period: Early Bronze I
Site: Megiddo, T.
Material: Clay

Object's Name:  Mould Tool & Weapon
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Shechem (Ancient Site)
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Mould Jewel
Period: Late Bronze
Site: Bet She'an, T.
Material: Serpentine

Object's Name:  Mould Bell, Decorated with a human figure
Period: Persian
Site: Zafit, T.
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Mould Jewel
Period: Late Bronze II
Site: Haifa, T. Abu Hawwam
Material: Steatite

Object's Name:  Mould Tool & Weapon
Period: Late Bronze (?)
Site: Gezer, T.
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Mould Tool & Weapon
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Bet Mirsham, T.
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Mould (?) 
Period: Early Bronze I
Site: Mizpah
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Mould (?), Crucible (?) 
Period: Early Bronze II-III
Site: `Ai
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Body Mouth-Strainer Jug Painted
Period: Late Bronze IIB-Iron I
Site: Megiddo, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Multiple Burin on Truncation 
Period: Upper Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat ha-Nahal
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Multiple Burin on Truncation 
Period: Middle Palaeolithic
Site: Magharat Shuqba
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Multiple Burin on Truncation 
Period: Upper Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat ha-Nahal
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Multiple Mixed Burin 
Period: Upper Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat Amira
Material: Flint
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