National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Bowl 
Period: Crusader
Material: Pottery
Site: Arshaf, T.
Description: A Bowl with trumpet-shaped foot and round walls terminating in a concave rim. The bowl is made of orange clay with white grits. The interior is decorated with a layer of yellowish glaze and engraved circles around the rim and at the center. Alternate patterns of grid shaped circles and rectangles on the cavetto. The bowl was produced in the Papos region of Cyprus , influenced by Zexippus Ware, St. Symom Ware and Islamic glazed vessels . The bowl is dated to the 13th century.
Avissar, M. and Stern, E.J. 2005. Pottery of the Crusader, Ayyubid, and Mamluk Periods in Israel. IAAR 26: 56-57, Fig.25 Type I.8.
Ziffer, I. and Tal, O. 2011. The Last Supper at Apollonia. The Final days of the Crusader Castle in Herzliya. Tel-Aviv, 62-63, Fig. 37.

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