National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Fragment Textile 
Period: Iron I
Material: Wool
Site: Timna`
Lenght: 3.5 cm
Wide: 3.6 cm
Description: Fragment of wool textile with red and blue bands which made by and indigotin plants (probably from Woad - Isatis tinctorial). The findings indicate that the society at Timna was hierarchical and included an upper class.
Sukenik, N., Iluz, D., Amar, Z., Varvak, A., Workman V., Shamir, O. and Ben-Yos 2017. "Early evidence (late 2nd millennium BCE) of plant-based dyeing of textiles from Timna, Israel", [PLOS ONE 12 (2017): e0179014]. PLOS One 

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