IAA Number: 2014-9255
| Object's Name: Fragment Textile Period: Iron I Material: Wool Site: Timna` Lenght: 7 cm Wide: 2.3 cm Description: Fragment of wool textile with red, blue and orange bands which
was made by Madder (Rubia tinctorum) and indigotin
(probably from Woad - Isatis tinctorial). The findings indicate that
the society at Timna was hierarchical and included an upper class. Bibliography: Sukenik, N., Iluz, D., Amar, Z., Varvak, A., Workman V., Shamir, O. and Ben-Yos 2017. "Early evidence (late 2nd millennium BCE) of plant-based dyeing of textiles from Timna, Israel", [PLOS ONE 12 (2017): e0179014]. PLOS One fig. 2-3.