IAA Number: 1936-1716
 | Object's Name: Necklace Period: Natufian Material: Worked Bone,Worked Shell Site: Me`arat ha-Nahal Description: Reconstruction of the necklace found with Homo23. Combination of bone
and dentalium shells: twenty-five pairs of bone
beads among them dentalium. Six bone beads with incisions on one side
2.6x1cm; 2.65x0.9cm; 2.6x1 cm; 2.8x1 cm; 2.7x1 cm Bibliography: Garrod D.A.E. 1937. Mugharet El-Wad. Archaeological Material. Layer B2. In Garrod D. and Bate D. The Stone Age of Mount Carmel. Vol I. Oxford, 29-57, Pl. XIV :2. Garrod D.A.E. 1957. The Natufian Culture: The Life and Economy of a Mesolithic People in the Near East. In Proceedings of the British Academy. Periodical XLIII: 211-227, Pl. VI.