National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Coin Ruler: Autonomous (410BCE - 333BCE)
Mint: Philistia
Denomination :Drachm (classical) Material :Silver
Obverse: Helmeted head of Athena r.
Reverse inscription: ATH
Reverse: Owl r., head facing; in corner, olive sprig
Measurements: 3.76 gm , 14 X 16 mm ,
Site : Gan Soreq (north)
NOTES: Unpublished
Gitler H. and Tal O. 2006. The Coins of Philistian of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BC. Milan and New York, P. 148, No. 4.4 VII. 1 D.

Additional Looks

Coin ,Autonomous (410-333 BCE),Philistia,Drachm (classical) 
Photographer :UNKNOWN PERSON

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