Excavations, Surveys & Research Department
The central professional department of the IAA consists of highly-experienced excavating archaeologists, researchers, experts in related professions, and coordinators of scientific reports. The department has authority over scientific matters and is in charge of granting licenses and permits for excavations, as well as initiating scientific contacts with archaeological institutions in Israel and abroad.
Department Director: Dr. Omri Barzilai,
tel. 02-5892285/286
Deputy Department Director: Dr. Hamoudi Khalaily , tel. 02-5892217
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Ruthy Shem-Tov, tel. 02-5892285
Branches of the Excavations, Surveys and Research Dept.
Surveys Branch: Dr. Ofer Sion, tel. 02-5892215
Scientific Processing Branch: Dr. Danny Syon, tel. 04-9911682
Prehistory Branch: Dr. Ianir Milevsky , tel. 02-5892208
GIS Research Branch: tel. 02-5892248
Physical Anthropology Section: Dr. Yossi Nagar, tel. 02-5892257
Petrography Laboratory: Dr. Anat Cohen-Weinberger, tel. 02-5892228
Glass Section: Mrs. Yael Gorin-Rosen, tel. 02-5892212
Archaeozoologist: Nuha Agha, tel. 02-5892201