East of the structure is a rock-cut wine-pressing installation occupying
about 300 sq. m  and comprising trampling-floors, a settling-pit, and a collecting-pit. The walls, 60 cm thick, and rising up to a maximum of 40 cm, encompassing the wine-press, are built of dressed stones and are only partially preserved. At the western part of the pressing complex are two leveled working surfaces. Surface 1 (1.8 x1.6 m) is paved with a white mosaic that in part survives; its edges, of which only little remains, were coated with a white plaster containing potsherds. Surface 2, which is
smaller, is also only partially preserved. Remains of plaster on the foundation layer of small stones show that this surface, too, was paved with mosaics. These surfaces are separated by a narrow, 30 cm thick wall.
Trampling-floor 3 (3.8 x 3.5 m) is covered with a white mosaic in the
center of which is a square, rock-cut pit (No. 4; 1.8 x 1.8 m, and 70 cm
deep). In it was found a big square stone having a square recess for receiving one end of a wooden beam.


Trampling-floor 5. The liquid trampled out of the grapes on the floor
was conveyed by means of a 2.8 m long x 50 cm wide channel to Collecting-pit 6. Four niches (No. 8) lined with mosaics are cut into the northern and western sides of the trampling-floor. They were paved with a white mosaic that is poorly preserved. A second collecting-pit (No. 9; 3.9 x3.2 m, by 90 cm deep) is rock-cut and covered with a white plaster containing potsherds. It is paved with white mosaics. In its northwestern corner is a conical sump, its walls covered with white plaster containing potsherds.


All these elements and the inscription – together with the agricultural
character of the site with its wine-press, and the cellars in the courtyard –
clearly indicate that in the second construction phase this was a rural mo-
nastic establishment, apparently built over the remains of an earlier farm-