National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name:  Cleaver 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Gesher Benot Ya`aqov
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Cleaver 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Gesher Benot Ya`aqov
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Cleaver 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Gesher Benot Ya`aqov
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Cleaver 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Gesher Benot Ya`aqov
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Cleaver 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Gesher Benot Ya`aqov
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Cleaver 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Gesher Benot Ya`aqov
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Cleaver 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Gesher Benot Ya`aqov
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Cleaver 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Gesher Benot Ya`aqov
Material: Basalt

Object's Name:  Cleaver 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: מעין ברוך
Material: Flint

Object's Name: Body Sherd Closed Vessel Inscribed, Engraved, Hebrew
Period: Iron II
Site: Samaria
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Body Sherd Closed Vessel Inscribed, Engraved, Hebrew
Period: Iron II
Site: Bet Mirsham, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Body Sherd Closed Vessel Inscribed, Engraved, Hebrew
Period: Iron II
Site: Mizpah
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Cloth 
Period: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
Site: Nahal Hemar
Material: Linen

Object's Name: Fragment Cloth 
Period: Late Roman
Site: Moa
Material: Wool

Object's Name: Fragment Cloth 
Period: Late Roman
Site: Moa
Material: Wool, Linen

Object's Name: Fragment Cloth 
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Nahal Ze`elim

Object's Name: Fragment Cloth 
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Nahal Ze`elim

Object's Name: Fragment Cloth 
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Horevot Mazada
Material: Wool

Object's Name:  Cloth 
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Horevot Mazada
Material: Wool

Object's Name: Fragment Cloth 
Period: Roman
Site: Horevot Mazada
Material: Wool

Object's Name:  Coffin & Lid Decorated in Relief, Decorated with human figures, Human/Semi-Divine/Divine Images, With Vegetal Decoration, Cornucopia
Period: Roman
Site: Turmus `Aiya
Material: Marble

Object's Name:  Coffin & Lid Decorated in Relief, Decorated with human figures, With Vegetal Decoration, Wreath, Decorated with animal figure, Eagle, Fantastic Animal
Period: Roman
Site: Mevorakh, T.
Material: Marble

Object's Name:  Coffin & Lid Decorated in Relief, With Vegetal Decoration, Decorated with a human figure, Decorated with animal figures, Lion, Eros, Hercules, Semi-Divine/Divine Figure, Harp, Pan Flute
Period: Late Roman
Site: Bet Guvrin
Material: Lead

Object's Name:  Coffin (without Lid) Decorated in Relief, Animal, Lion
Period: Roman
Site: Ashqelon, Migdal Ashqelon
Material: Lead

Object's Name:  Coin 
Period: Late Roman
Site: Sasa
Material: Bronze

Object's Name:  Coin 
Period: Middle Roman
Site: Meron
Material: Bronze

Object's Name:  Coin 
Period: Late Hellenistic
Site: Unknown
Material: Bronze

Object's Name:  Coin 
Period: Middle Roman
Site: Ishwa`
Material: Bronze

Object's Name:  Coin 
Period: Late Hellenistic
Site: (+)
Material: Bronze

Object's Name:  Coin 
Period: Crusader
Site: Jerusalem, Har Hozvim
Material: Bronze
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