National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name:  Retouched Bladelet Truncated
Period: Early Epi-Palaeolithic
Site: `En Nevel
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Retouched Bladelet 
Period: Upper Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat Amira
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Retouched Bladelet 
Period: Upper Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat ha-Nahal
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Retouched Bladelet 
Period: Kebaran
Site: Me`arat Kebara
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Retouched Bladelet Pointed
Period: Geometric Kebaran
Site: Hefzi-Bah
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Retouched Flake Levallois
Period: Middle Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat Tannur
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Retouched Flake 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat Tannur
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Retouched Flake 
Period: Lower Palaeolithic
Site: Magharat Umm Qatafa
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Rhyton Zoomorphic, Horned
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Rhyton Zoomorphic, Ram
Period: Late Bronze II
Site: Haifa, T. Abu Hawwam
Material: Faience

Object's Name:  Rhyton Female Image
Period: Late Bronze II
Site: Haifa, T. Abu Hawwam
Material: Faience

Object's Name: Fragment Rhyton Zoomorphic
Period: Late Roman
Site: Ashqelon, T. Ashqelon
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Rhyton Zoomorphic, Lion
Period: Iron I
Site: Tel Aviv, T. Qasila
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Rhyton Semi-Divine/Divine Figure, Athena
Period: Hellenistic
Site: Maresha, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Ridge blade 
Period: Upper Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat ha-Nahal
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Ridge blade 
Period: Upper Palaeolithic
Site: Me`arat ha-Nahal
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Rim Bowl, Slipped Red, Loop Handled
Period: Pottery Neolithic A
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Rim, Small Bowl Impressed Decoration (?), Slipped Red
Period: Pottery Neolithic B
Site: Besamon
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Ring (use unknown) Double
Period: Roman
Site: ג'פנא (ליד רמאללה) Jifna
Material: Gold

Object's Name:  Ring (use unknown) 
Period: Early Bronze III
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Shell

Object's Name:  Ring (use unknown) 
Period: Early Bronze III
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Shell

Object's Name:  Ring (use unknown) 
Period: Iron Age (?)
Site: Mizpah
Material: Gold

Object's Name:  Ring (use unknown) Herringbone Pattern
Period: Middle Bronze II-Late Bronze
Site: `Ujul, T. el-
Material: Gold

Object's Name:  Rod 
Period: Middle Roman
Site: Nahal Hever
Material: Iron (material)

Object's Name: Stick Rod 
Period: Late Chalcolithic
Site: Nahal Mishmar, Me`arat ha-Matmon
Material: wood

Object's Name: Fragment Roof Tile Impressed with Stamp-Seal Impression, With Inscription, Latin
Period: Roman
Site: Jerusalem, Binyane ha-Umma
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Roof Tile Impressed with Stamp-Seal Impression, With Inscription, Latin, Pig
Period: Roman
Site: Jerusalem, Binyane ha-Umma
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Roof Tile Impressed with Stamp-Seal Impression, Circular, Latin, Boar, Galley
Period: Middle Roman - Late Roman
Site: Jerusalem, City of David
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Roof Tile Impressed with Stamp-Seal Impression, Square, Latin
Period: Middle Roman - Late Roman
Site: Jerusalem, City of David
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Roof Tile (?) Impressed with Stamp-Seal Impression, Inscribed
Period: Roman
Site: Jerusalem, Old City, Western and Southern Walls
Material: Pottery

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