National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name: Handle Lammelek Jar Two-Winged "lmlk hbrn" Impression
Period: Iron II
Site: Ramat Rahel
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Handle Lammelek Jar Stamp-Seal Impression, Private
Period: Iron II
Site: Ramat Rahel
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Handle Lammelek Jar Two-Winged "lmlk mmst" Impression
Period: Iron II
Site: Ramat Rahel
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Handle Lammelek Jar Two-Winged "lmlk mmst" Impression
Period: Iron II
Site: `Erani, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Beit Nattiwith Decorated Nozzle, With Floral Decoration
Period: Late Roman
Site: רחובות
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp With Large Filling Hole
Period: Late Roman
Site: Ramat Rahel
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Roman Imperial, Animal, Lion, Decorated in Relief
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Anafa, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Lamp 
Period: Early Islamic
Site: Ramla, esh-Sheikh Rihan
Material: Soapstone

Object's Name: Base Lamp Pointed
Period: Early Islamic
Site: Ramla, esh-Sheikh Rihan
Material: Soapstone

Object's Name:  Lamp Candlestick, Cross
Period: Byzantine
Site: Mishor Adumim, Khan el-Ahmar
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp With Lug and S-Coil
Period: Hellenistic
Site: Mishmar David
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Samarian
Period: Byzantine
Site: Zur Natan
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Samarian
Period: Byzantine
Site: Zur Natan
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Samarian
Period: Late Roman - Early Byzantine
Site: `Utsa, H.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp With Geometric Pattern
Period: Byzantine
Site: `Utsa, H.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Lamp With Vegetal Decoration
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Jerusalem, City of David
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp 
Period: Byzantine
Site: Qastra, H.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Lamp Piriform, Cross, Decorated in Relief, With Channel (lamp type)
Period: Late Byzantine
Site: Qastra, H.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Lamp Piriform, With Channel (lamp type), Decorated in Relief, Animal, Fish
Period: Late Byzantine
Site: Qastra, H.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Slipped Red, Attic, Carinated
Period: Hellenistic
Site: Yoqne`am, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Miniature
Period: Roman
Site: Samaria
Material: Bronze

Object's Name: Fragment Lamp Roman Imperial, Decorated with a human figure, Decorated with animal figure, Monkey
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Jerusalem, Old City
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Ephesus
Period: Late Hellenistic
Site: Jerusalem, Old City
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Lamp Decorated in Relief, Vegetal Decoration, Ivy, Heart Shaped
Period: Late Hellenistic
Site: Jerusalem, Old City
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp 
Period: Late Hellenistic
Site: Jerusalem, Old City
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Handle Lamp Decorated in Relief, Leaf Shaped, Vine Leaf
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Jerusalem, Old City
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Northern "Darom"
Period: Middle Roman (70-135 CE)
Site: Ma`yan Barukh
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Sunburst
Period: Late Hellenistic
Site: Jerusalem, Old City
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp Herodian
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Jerusalem, Old City
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Lamp With Lug and S-Coil
Period: Late Hellenistic
Site: Jerusalem, Old City
Material: Pottery

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