National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic, Lion
Period: Persian
Site: Har Mizpe Yammim
Material: Bronze

Object's Name:  Figurine 
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Hamadya
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic, Bull, Mycenean
Period: Late Bronze II
Site: Hazor, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Figurine Anthropomorphic
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Hamadya
Material: Pebble

Object's Name: Foot Figurine Anthropomorphic
Period: Hellenistic
Site: Bet She'an, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic, Dove
Period: Iron II
Site: Lakhish, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Figurine Female Image, Phoenician
Period: Iron II
Site: Akhziv
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Figurine Anthropomorphic
Period: Natufian
Site: `Enot `Enan
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Female Image
Period: Pottery Neolithic A
Site: Kefar Gil`adi
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Figurine Female Figure, Engraved, Ibex and Palm Motif
Period: Pre-Ghassulian Chalcolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Bone

Object's Name:  Figurine Dioscuri
Period: Hellenistic
Site: Maresha, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Figurine Semi-Divine/Divine Figure
Period: Hellenistic
Site: Maresha, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic
Period: Natufian
Site: Me`arat Oren
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic, Gazelle
Period: Natufian
Site: Me`arat Oren
Material: Worked Bone

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic, Gazelle
Period: Natufian
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Anthropoid
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Besamon
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic
Period: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (?)
Site: Besamon
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Limestone (?)

Object's Name:  Figurine Female Image
Period: Pre-Ghassulian Chalcolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Female Image
Period: Pre-Ghassulian Chalcolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Anthropomorphic
Period: Pre-Ghassulian Chalcolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim
Material: Red Sandstone

Object's Name: Body Figurine Human/Semi-Divine/Divine Image, Egyptian
Period: Iron II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Faience

Object's Name: Head Figurine Zoomorphic, Painted
Period: Iron II
Site: Samaria
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Figurine Female Image
Period: Persian
Site: Megiddo, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Figurine Female Image
Period: Iron II
Site: Megiddo, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic, Deer
Period: Pre-Ghassulian Chalcolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic, Deer
Period: Pre-Ghassulian Chalcolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Limestone

Object's Name:  Figurine Zoomorphic
Period: Pre-Ghassulian Chalcolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Limestone

Object's Name: Head Figurine Anthropomorphic, Painted
Period: Iron II
Site: Samaria
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Figurine Anthropomorphic
Period: Iron II
Site: Bet-Shemesh, T.
Material: Pottery

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