National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Rim Mortarium Impressed with Stamp Seal, Inscribed, Greek
Period: Byzantine
Material: Pottery
Site: Ashqelon, T. Ashqelon
Description: North Syrian Mortarium. Three stamps reading :"Isidorou" in rectangular frams upper surface of the rim.
Johnson B.L. 2008. Ashkelon 2, Imported pottery of the Roman and late Roman periods. Winona Lake, Indiana, Eisenbrauns, 110-113, 334.

Additional Looks

Rim Mortarium Impressed with Stamp Seal  
Photographer :Yolovitch Yael

Rim Mortarium Impressed with Stamp Seal  
Photographer :Yolovitch Yael

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