National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Coin Ruler: Constantine I (307CE)
Mint: Carthage
Denomination :Follis Material :Bronze
Obverse inscription: CONSTANTINVS NOB AVG
Obverse: Laureled head of Constantine the Great as co-emperor.
Reverse: Carthago standing within temple holding palm branches in both hands
Measurements: 7.08 gm , 25 X 7 mm
Site : Bet She'an, Shikkun Waw
Sutherland, C.H.V. 1967. The Roman Imperial Coinage VI: From Diocletian's Reform (A.D. 294) to the Death of Maximinus (D. 313). London, P. 432, NO. 61.
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