National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Ostracon Hebrew
Period: Iron II
Material: Pottery
Site: `Arad, T.
Lenght: 6 cm
Wide: 5.9 cm
Description: To Eliashib, and now: Issue from the wine 3 baths. And Hananyahu has commanded you to Beer-Sheba with 2 donkeys' load and you shall wrap up the dough with them. And count the wheat and the bread, and take... To you...And Edomites..." This ostracon is part of the archive of Eliashib, son of Eshiyahu, the commander of the Judean fortress at Arad.
Aharoni, Y 1981. Arad Inscriptions. Jerusalem, 17-18, No. 3.
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Ostracon Hebrew  
Photographer :Koren Miki

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