National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Coin Ruler: Valentinian I (364CE - 375CE)
Mint: Antioch (Syria)
Denomination :Solidus Material :Gold
Obverse inscription: D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG
Obverse: Pearl-diademed head r.,cuirassed and draped
Reverse inscription: RESTITVTOR REIPVLICAE
Reverse: Emperor holding standard with cross and victory on globe
Measurements: 4.35 gm , 21 mm ,
Site : Rimmon, H.
Pearce, J.W.E. 1951. The Roman Imperial Coinage IX: Valentinan I-Theodosius I. London, P. 272, No. 2.
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Additional Looks

Coin ,Valentinian I (364-375 A.D),Antioch (Syria),Solidus 
Photographer :Clara Amit

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