National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Pre-Pottery Neolithic

The Pre-Pottery Neolithic period, which is ascribed to the time between the ninth and the sixth millennia, is divided into three chronological and cultural phases:

Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (8500–7500 BCE)  .

Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (7500–6000 BCE) .

Pre-Pottery Neolithic C (6000– 5500 BCE) 


This is an extremely important period in human history during which significant changes occurred in the patterns of life, when the nomadic society of hunters-gatherers made the transition to a permanently settled society that gradually based its existence on the raising of domesticated livestock and agriculture. During this time the basic elements of human culture were formed such as the dwelling and the village; cult – deities, myths, religious rituals, public centers and temples; specialized industries – flint, stone, bone, wood, artistic and cultic objects; social stratification – the creation of authority in the form of individuals and groups.


The material artifacts of the period indicate the introduction and use of new technologies, tools and objects – axes and adzes, sickle blades, arrowheads, flywheels for drills, pounding and grinding tools, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines, plastered skulls etc. – all of which are the result of the new economic and social needs of Neolithic society.

Hebrew stamps seals, Iron Age II.

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