National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Ostracon Inscribed, Greek
Period: Hellenistic
Material: Pottery
Site: Maresha, T.
Lenght: 5.5 cm
Wide: 3.5 cm
Description: .../.../To the Elders?/so and so son of Dionisios... .(?demanding/...from/him 81 (drachmae/ By the end of the 3rd century to the beginning of the 2nd century BCE Greek seems to have been in common use among the inhabitats of Maresha. Both official and private business was carried in the Greek language. The ostracon was an official document. It seems that in Maresha offi ial documents were inscribed on potsherds as well as papyri and parchments.
Ecker A. and Korzakova H. 2014. "Greek inscribed pottery" in: I. Stern (ed.) The Excavations of Maresha: Subterranean Complex 57: The 'Heliodorus' Cave. BAR (IS) 2652: 95-101, Fig. 9. 1.
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