National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Ostracon Hieratic
Period: Iron II
Material: Pottery
Site: `Arad, T.
Lenght: 11 cm
Wide: 7.6 cm
Description: Right column: "Hekat 90?, Hekat 30?, Hekat 100 wheat (?), Hekat 50 (wheat ?), Hekat 60 (wheat?), Hekat 60 (wheat?), Wine (?) pot, Barley 50 (hekat), Hekat". Left Column: Hekat 10 barley (?) 50+25, Hekat 10 wheat (?), Hekat 10 (wheat?), (Hekat) 10 (wheat?), Hekat 20 wheat (?), wine (?) pot. Barley (?) 50 (hekat), Barley (?) pot". The ostracon is part of the archive of Eliashib, son of Eshiyahu, the commander of the Judean fortress at Arad.
Aharoni, Y. 1981. Arad Inscriptions. Jerusalem, 62-64, No. 34.
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