National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Lintel (door or window) Inscribed, Greek
Period: Roman
Material: Limestone
Site: Qazyon, H.
Lenght: 122 cm
Wide: 60 cm
Height: 52.5 cm
Description: A lintel bearing two dedicatory inscription in Greek. The Longer Text refer to the Roman emperor Lucius Spetimius Severus and his two sons Marcus Aurelius Antoninus(Caracalla) and Lucius Septimius Geta. Following the name of Septimius Severeus are his titles. The shorter text mention Julia Domna, the emperor's wife and mother of his two sons. "For the salvation of our lords' rulers and emperors: lucius Septimius Severus the pious Partinex Augustus' Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Lucius Septimius Geta, his sons' by virtu of the vow, the Jews" "and Julia Domna Augusta"
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Lintel (door or window) Inscribed  
Photographer :Mariana Salzberger

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