National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Hat 
Period: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
Material: Textile,Linen
Site: Nahal Hemar
Lenght: 32 cm
Wide: 16 cm
Description: A head covering consists of two large fragments of fabric. The reconstructed piece is conical in shape, and consists of a circular band and a major knotted network, terminating in a pointed tab. The band is decorated with a stone bead.
Schick T. 1988. Nahal Hemar Cave. Cordage, Basketry and Fabrics. ATIQOT 18: 31-43, 17-18.
Schick T. 1988. A Neolothic Cult Headdress from the Nahal Hemar Cave. IMJ 7: 25-33.
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