IAA Number: 2015-868
| Object's Name: Figurine Anthropomorphic, Female Image, Engraved Period: Pottery Neolithic A Material: Worked Bone Site: אתלית ים, אתר תת ימי Lenght: 21.5 cm Wide: 3.5 cm Bibliography: Galili E., Rosen B., Orrelle E., Yaroshevich A. and Horwitz L.K.. Figurative Representations from Neve-Yam Submerged Village and Contemporary Inland Sites in Israel: Symbolic Markers of the Wadi Rabah Culture.. IEJ Galili E., Kolska-Horwitz L. and Rosen B. 2015. Neve Yam: Anthropomorphic Figurine. HA 127: Fig.2-3.