IAA Number: 1984-503
| Object's Name: Ossuary & Lid With Inscription, Aramaic Period: Early Roman (period) Material: Limestone Site: חיזמה(?) Lenght: 44.5 cm Wide: 21 cm Description: Aramaic inscription: Yehohana/Yehohana daughter of Yehohanan/ son of
Thophlos, the high priest.
It's possible that Yehohana was the granddaughter of the high priest
Theophilos (ca. 37-41 CE). Bibliography: Barag D., Flusser D. 1986. The Ossuary of Yehohanah Granddaughter of the High Priest Theophilus. IEJ 36 (1): 39-45. Rahmani, L.Y. 1994. A Catalogue of Jewish Ossuaries in the Collections of the State of Israel. Jerusalem, 259, Pl. 132: 871.