National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Multi-Wickhole Lamp Decorated in Relief, Zoomorphic, Fish, Temple Facade
Period: Late Roman - Byzantine
Material: Pottery
Site: Mizpah
Lenght: 14.2 cm
Wide: 12 cm
Avi Yonah M. 1942. Oriental Elements in the Art of Palestine in the Roman and Byzantine Periods. QDAP X: Pl.XXIX:11.
McCown C.C. 1947. Tell en-Nasbeh, Vol II the Pottery. Berkeley, pl.23:4-6.
Sussman V. 2014. Observations Regarding an oil Lamp of the Late Roman-Byzantine Period from Tell en-Nasbeh in: J.R.Zorn and A.J.Brody (eds) The Tell en-Nasbeh Excavations after 85 years. GSANE 9: 175-197.

Additional Looks

Multi-Wickhole Lamp Decorated in Relief 
Photographer :Clara Amit

Multi-Wickhole Lamp Decorated in Relief 
Photographer :Clara Amit

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