Position: Head of Glass Branch
Department: Archaeological Research Department
Higher Education:
Ph.D., 2017, University of Haifa
Research interests:
Ancient Glass, ancient glass production and trade
Ongoing research projects:
- The excavation of the raw glass production site at Bet Eliezer
- The excavation of the glass workshop at Bet Shean
- The publication of glass finds discovered in burial contexts
- The excavation of raw glass site at Jalame
- The study of Medieval glass finds from salvage excavations at Akko
Selected publications:
- Gorin-Rosen Y. 1997. Excavation of the Courthouse Site at ‘Akko: Medieval Glass Vessels (Area TA). ‘Atiqot 31:75–85.
- Gorin-Rosen Y. 2000. The Ancient Glass Industry in Israel: Summary of the Finds and New Discoveries. In M.-D. Nenna ed. La route du verre: Ateliers primaires et secondaires du second millénaire av. J.-C. au Moyen Âge (Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient méditerranéen 33). Lyons. Pp. 49–63.
- Gorin-Rosen Y. 2000. Glass from Monasteries and Chapels in South Sinai. In U. Dahari. Monastic Settlements in South Sinai in the Byzantine Period: The Archaeological Remains (IAA Reports 9). Jerusalem. Pp. 233–245.
- Gorin-Rosen Y. 2003. Glass Vessels from Area A. In H. Geva. Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969–1982 II: The Finds from Areas A, W and X-2; Final Report. Jerusalem. Pp. 364–400.
- Gorin-Rosen Y. and Katsnelson N. 2007. Local Glass Production in the Late Roman–Early Byzantine Periods in Light of the Glass Finds from Khirbat el-Ni‘ana. ‘Atiqot 57:73–154.