A Journey through Time: The Discovery of Ancient 'Akko
Eliezer Stern
Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2024
189 pp., color illustrations, hardback
In Hebrew only
Ofer Sion, Omer Shalev, Benyamin Storchan, Yehiel Zelinger
Israel Antiquities Authority, 2023
paperback viii, 316 pages
In English only
Gabriel Mazor and Walid Atrash
216 pages
341 illustrations
Collected Papers
Editors: Ofer Sion, Joe Uziel, Amir Ganor, Eitan Klein
x, 479 pages
En Esur (Ein Asawir ) II
The LOD Mosaic A. Gorzalczany, G. Bowersock, J. Schwarts, R. Talgam In 1996, during road construction in the modern town of Lod, a series of exquisite Roman mosaic floors was accidentally uncovered, of a beauty and quality previously not seen in Israel. This lavishly illustrated book, sets the mosaics in their Historical and Cultural context with essays by leading scholars in their field. English 2015, 112 pp.
Y. Tepper and L. Di Segni. 2006. Early Christian Prayer Hall from the 3rd Century C. E.. 59 pages, colored illustrations.
First Publication of the mosaics and fascinating finds uncovered at the Megiddo Prison Excavations.
Nomads, Farmers, and Town-Dwellers: Pastoralist-Sedentist Interaction in the Negev Highlands, Sixth-Eighth Centuries CE
Gideon Avni
Supplement to the Archaeological Survey of Israel
Israel Antiquities Authority
Jerusalem, 1996
Collected Papers - Volume 1
In Hebew
Out of Stock
Collected Papers - Volume 2
In Hebrew
Collected Papers - Volume 3
Collected Papers - Volume 4 In Hebrew
New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region - Collected Papers 2011 Editors: D. Amit, G.D. Stiebel and O. Peleg-Barkat
Collected Papers - Volume 6
New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and itsRegion- Collected Papers 2013 Editors: G.D. Stiebel o. Peleg- Barkt D. ben- Ami S.Weksler- Bdolah Y. Gadot
Collected Papers. 2016
Editors: Guy D. Stiebel, Joseph (Joe) Uziel, Katia Cytryn-Silverman, Amit Re'em, Yuval Gadot
Collected Papers. 2017
Editors: Yuval Gadot, Yehiel Zelinger, Katia Cytryn-Silverman, Joseph (Joe) Uziel
2021 .Collected Papers
Editors: Joseph (Joe) Uziel, Yuval Gadot, Yehiel Zelinger, Orit Peleg-Barkat, Oren Gutfeld
Collected papers
Jerusalem, 2019
Editors: Orit Peleg-Barkat, Yehiel Zelinger, Joseph (Joe) Uziel and Yuval Gadot
pages 74*, 311
Collected Papers. 2022
Editors: Yuval Gadot, Yehiel Zelinger, Orit Peleg-Barkat, Yiftah Shalev
Collected Papers.
Jerusalem, 2023
Editors: Yiftah Shalev, Orit Peleg-Barkat, Yehiel Zelinger, Yuval Gadot
paperback 362, 91* pages
.Archaeological Excavations and Research Studies in Southern Israel. Collected Papers Volume 4 .17th Annual Southern Conference
Editors: Amir Golani, Daniel Varga, Gunnar Lehmann, Yana Tchekhanovets
Archaeological Excavations and Research Studies in Southern Israel
19th Annual Southern Conference
Volume 6
W.G. Dever, Gezer: A Crossroad in Ancient Israel 1998, 203 pp. (Hebrew)
HartalM M. Northen Golan Heights, The Archaeological Survey as a Source of Regional History (hebrew + English summary) 258 pp
Jerusalem, 2024
Editors: Orit Peleg-Barkat, Yehiel Zelinger, Yuval Gadot, Yiftah Shalev
pages 148*, 424
A. Gorzalczany, G. Boersock, J. Schwarts, R. Talgam
In 1996, during road construction in the modern town of Lod, a series of exquisitie Roman mosaic floors was accidentally uncovered, at a beauty and quality not seen in Israel.
This lavishly illustrated book, sets the mosaics in their Historical and Cultural context with essays by leafing scholars in their field.
English, 2015, 112 pp.
The Mega Project at Motza
Moza: The Neolithic and Later
Occupations Up to the 20th Century
New Studies in the Archaeology of Northern Israel
Editors: Karen Covello - Paran , Adi Erlich , Ron Beeri
Persian and Hellenistic Periods in Israel: a Southern Perspective
Editors: Daniel Varga, Ofer Marder, Anat Rasiuk, Daniel Vainstub
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Z. Gal ed. Eretz Zafon — Studies in Galilean Archaeology (Hebrew and English), 2002, 525 pp.
Desert Archaeology: The Annual 16th Southern Conference
Editors: Yael Abadi-Reiss, Daniel Varga, Gunnar Lehmann
Jerusalem; Beer Sheva
193 pages