Aerial picture of the city center
Since 1986 wide-scale excavations have been carried out at Bet Shean, under the hospice of the “Bet Shean Archaeological Project”, coordinated by the Antiquities Authority. These excavations were also accompanied by extensive conservation and preservation work.
Recently a detailed model of the city was erected in the corridor of the entrance area and an information and illustration system was set in place along the tour route.
The excavations in the civic center from the Roman-Byzantine and Umayyad periods and the Hellenistic city at Tel Iztabba, were conducted by an expedition of the Antiquities Authority, directed by G. Mazor and R. Bar-Nathan.
The excavations in the Crusader fortress were first directed by R. Gartwaggen of the University of Haifa and later by J. Seligman of the Antiquities Authority. Over the years, salvage excavations, on behalf of the Antiquities Authority, were also carried out along the fringes of the city by M. Peleg, F. Vito, D. Avshalom-Gorni, D. Barshad, O. Syon, D. Syon, W. Atrash and A. Golani.
Over the intervening years the work on the project has been completed and the excavation results and research on the city have expanded and furthered our knowledge of Bet Shean’s history, town plan and buildings.
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